03 October, 2007

Settling In

The Caius College Matriculation ceremony on Monday morning was a somewhat bizarre spectacle, mostly because of the gowns we had to wear. They're these kind of frilly, frock-like things that you wear over your coat. Every college in Cambridge, except for Kings', requires its students to purchase gowns (for the low low price of £50).

Here's a picture of mine:

At Caius, we wear our gowns primarily during "formal" sittings in the dining hall, but also during graduation and just about any ceremonial occasion (Cambridge has loads of them) that might arise. I bought a used one for £25, not bothering to check its quality because of the bargain. When I brought it back to my room and inspected it more closely, I was dismayed to find that it was kind of grungy and frayed. But as it turns out, a few second and third-years told me that worn-out gowns are "cool".

The Matriculation ceremony itself was somewhat uneventful. It consisted of short speeches given by each fellow of the college. Then we all signed documents which made us official members of Caius. It was a bit interesting to sit in the hall with everyone dressed in gowns though. There were four tables set parallel to each other, with the fellows at a separate table on a raised platform in the front of the room. High ceilings, stained glass windows, and crests on the wall... it's really just like Harry Potter.

Anyways, I'm still busy getting things sorted out before lectures start (tomorrow). But I've had more time to wander around Cambridge in the last few days and take some photos.

First of all, this is my room:

It's a bit messy, as always. (Be sure to note the California flag/tablecloth.) I'm living in the brand-new Stephen Hawking Building. The furniture is really nice and I have my own bathroom, but the place is so sterile that it makes me a bit uncomfortable. It kind of reminds me of Simmons at MIT... but I don't think Caius College paid $400 million for this dorm.

Even Simmons dorm rooms don't open with RFID.

Unfortunately, my high-tech door doesn't stay open, and I don't like being anti-social. I didn't bring anything heavy enough to prop it open, so my only choice was to find something thin and jam it underneath.

I knew Ian McEwan would be good for something.

Here's the man himself:

He was actually at our post-Matriculation dinner on Monday! I could only see the back of his wheelchair though. I heard a story that a few years ago someone pennied him during a formal dinner and was banned from the dining hall for 200 years.

Speaking of pennies, I never realized that the Queen's face on British coins actually ages in time with her:

When Caians graduate, they walk through the Gate of Honour. Walking through it before you graduate is supposed to be very bad luck, and that's a shame because it's a very convenient passageway between the Old Courts and the Library.

Here it is:

Here are a few other pictures from around Cambridge in no particular order.

The Fellows Garden at Claire College

Punts on the River Cam

The Kings College Chapel


Anonymous said...

Ross! I told you I subscribed to your blogs. Man, this makes me miss Cambridge. It's so freaking beautiful over there. I really enjoyed reading this post, by the way. So I think you should keep it up. :)

- Michelle

Unknown said...

this is about the best blog ever.
I'm really glad I came to your going-away party, because you had some good people there. *shifty eyes.* I guess what I'm saying is, thanks for going away. Only, not really, because I miss you.
Also, I'm going to send your blog to Dale, who ought to appreciate properly... and when you come back, I expect you to speak even more Britishly than I do.
Yes, Britishly.

Ally Berke said...

That story about pennying Stephen Hawking has made my day.

[.:: julia ::.] said...

Hey Ross, I came across your blog on the internet, I'm a CMEr this year also housed in Stephen Hawking, I'm going in a month, can you give me more details about the dorm? it would be sooo helpful, thanks alot :)