05 August, 2007

Last Week in DC

I figured that this would be a good time to start this blog as I've finally begun to make preparations for my trip. This is officially my last week in Washington, DC. Next Saturday, I'll be on a train to Boston. After that it's California, then Boston again, then England.

On Wednesday I filled out the paperwork for my student visa. The only part that made me a little bit nervous was FedEx-ing my passport to the British Consulate in New York City. Recent screw-ups at the State Dept. have made the waits for getting a new passport unfathomably long, so mine had better not get lost in the mail.

Today, I picked up a copy of Notes From a Small Island by Bill Bryson, which catalogues the author's travels in the UK. I've really enjoyed a few of his other travel books (A Walk in the Woods, In a Sunburned Country, etc.), and I heard that this one is particularly funny. Mostly, I'm hoping to get a better idea of the cultural differences between England and the US. Bryson's book has already taught me that in the UK, a "public school" is actually a private school and "streaky bacon" has a lot of fat in it. Hopefully, more useful information is forthcoming.

I know that the page says this post was made at some ungodly hour in the morning, but I assure you that it's only about 10pm. I set this blog up on Greenwich Mean Time so that there wouldn't be any confusion later on.


Benji said...

Now on VHS: Ernest Goes to Cambridge!

yalu said...

=) what a pretty blog! I like the header. I might be coming to visit over Spring Break, so hopefully your blog will provide some good insight on where to go!

yalu said...

Hmm, maybe I should have signed in first. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ross! Long time no talk, but I hope you have a great time in England and I just wanted to wish you the best of luck. Maybe ill just have to read your blog :)